Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A day in our life

We always hope to live life to the fullest, but do we really know what is living life to the fullest. A lot of people have different ideas about this issue. Even some religions have different views. To really understand all this, we have to get to the bottom of it, that is, why are we here in the first place ! Why are we born into this existence where the human race is scrambling amongst each other to procure the best in life, which is define as greed, in expense of every living beings. At their mercy are the lives that stands in their way. And we are known as the civilised humans. We prey on animals for food, destroy the earth for development and multiplies at an alarming rate to boost the economy. We are happy when things are in our favour and we get so agitated when the odds are stack against us. There's not a time when we really feel that we are satisfied, we never stop wanting more. So how can we live life to the fullest ?

There is a way to eradicate all this misery which I will lead you to. The path to self satisfaction. The path to happiness for evryone !

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